Your voters will receive an email from BallotBox inviting them to vote. That email looks like this:
When a voter clicks the Vote button in this email, a web browser will open to a page that looks like this:
When your voter clicks the blue Vote button, he or she is taken directly to your ballot. For example, here is a sample ballot page:
If the ballot has multiple pages, there will be controls at the bottom of each page to move forward and backward through the ballot. (Not all plans support multiple-page ballots. You can see what each plan supports on our Plans page.)
At the end of the ballot, the voter can Review Answers. There is also an option to Finish Later.
If your voter clicks Finish Later, BallotBox will ask for a password so we can encrypt the partial ballot in our database:
BallotBox will also send that voter an email about coming back later to finish casting the ballot:
If your voter clicks Review Answers, BallotBox will show what choices were selected throughout the ballot.
Next to each choice, there is a link back to that particular question, making it easy for your voter to correct any choices made:
In addition, if your voter makes any errors -- such as selecting four candidates when the question only allows three to be selected, BallotBox helps them correct the error by adding a message (such as Specify at most 3 choices) next to that question, changing the Review Answers button by adding a yellow "alert" triangle --
-- and by highlighting the first question that has an error if the voter presses that button before correcting the mistake.
When the voter is ready, he or she will click the Cast Ballot button.
Your voter will see on screen that the ballot was recorded, and will get an email confirming that.