
How can I help ensure emails inviting me to vote are not blocked as spam / junk mail?

All emails sent by the BallotBox system come from the email address, If you designate that email address as a "safe sender," or add that email address to your contacts, most email systems will reliably deliver BallotBox emails to you. If you use Outlook as a desktop email application on your computer, please click this link to open Microsoft’s support article (

What is the voter experience like? What emails will I get, and what does the ballot look like?

Organizations choose BallotBoxOnline because our online voting solution is very easy to use, and is built on top of an industry-leading approach to protect the anonymity of the votes, and the integrity of the poll results. We use asymmetric cryptography (with public/private key pairs) to protect the data in our database. For more information about why you can be confident when you vote through BallotBox, please read this short support article (

I want to save a draft ballot, and I'm being asked to set a password. What are the password requirements?

Historically, a password considered "strong" has required a combination of * uppercase letters (A B C D E ...) * lowercase letters (a b c d e ...) * digits (1 2 3 4 5 ...) * punctuation symbols (@ # $ % & ...) BallotBox does not have those sorts of password requirements. They made passwords hard to remember, without actually making them hard for a computer to guess. Here is a quick history lesson, and then what we recommend: The old view of "strong passwords" Sometimes, peop...

Can I check to see what polls I am eligible to vote in?

When an organization invites you to vote, you will receive an email inviting you to participate in that election or survey. That is the primary way voters will be notified about a poll. If you know the BallotBox home page for an organization in which you are a voter, you can visit that home page at any time to see what polls have been launched. (If our customer archives a past poll, or marks a poll as private, it will not, however, appear in this list.) Each organization’s BallotBox home page i...

My email address has changed. Is there a way that I can get a ballot?

You will need to update your contact information with the organization that is our customer. The organization can then modify your email address on the voter list, or, if the organization has a subscription that provides turnkey service, BallotBox personnel will update the voter list. To be sure we are only inviting authorized individuals to vote, we can only honor email change requests that come from our contact at the organization that is our customer.

How can I stop receiving emails from BallotBox?

You can opt out of an individual poll by clicking on the “opt out” link in any email from BallotBox that asks you to participate in that poll. If you want an organization to stop including you in any of its voter lists for future polls, you will need to contact that organization with your request. The contact email address for each organization appears in each email from BallotBox that invites you to vote in a poll to make it easy for you to contact them.

This ballot is long ... is there a way for me to come back to finish this later?

Some ballots may be long and take more than a few minutes to complete. If you wish to work on your ballot for a while, save it, and then return later to complete it, you may. Simply click the Finish Later button in the bottom right corner of the ballot. You will be required to set a password to protect the confidentiality of your ballot answers in our database. You will receive an email from BallotBox with instructions about how you can return to BallotBox later to complete and cast that ballot.

How can I be sure that no one will be able to see how I voted?

All computer systems are hackable. Part of determining whether you trust a system is knowing how it could be hacked. In this article, we will tell you how to hack BallotBox. First, a little background: When you vote in a BallotBox poll, our system stores your identity (tied to your email address) you’re your cast ballot in the same database record. That guarantees that no voter account can be used to vote more than once. At the same time, BallotBox encrypts your ballot. As a result, we (and ...

I did not get an email from BallotBox inviting me to participate in a Poll. What can I do to get that email sent to me now?

If you know the BallotBox home page for the organization in which you are a voter, go to that home page, click on any active poll, and ask for a ballot link to be emailed to you. If your email address is in the voter list for that poll, a ballot link will be sent to you. Each organization’s BallotBox home page is in the format, If you don’t know the organization’s BallotBox home page, you can find it by visiting (https:...