Officers have two key functions in BallotBox. They review the ballot questionnaire and the poll settings, and their passwords are required to unlock the poll’s results.
As part of that first function, when an Admin for your organization deploys a poll for review, each Officer for that poll will receive an email that says he or she has been selected to be an Officer. Each Officer clicks the button in that email, and sets his or her Officer password. Then the Officer will see a one-page overview of the entire process of launching a BallotBox poll. One step in that process is reviewing the ballot, and approving the poll – or providing feedback. That feedback will appear in an Officer Feedback tab of the poll, visible to the individuals associated with your organization who are Admins in BallotBox. They can then use your feedback to address any concerns you have, or any mistakes you identified, before the voters are asked to vote in the poll.