Yes, you can cancel ballots that were cast through BallotBox, so long as you do it before the poll is unlocked.
For example, some organizations only let members vote if they are current on their membership dues, but the organization wants to give the members until the end of the poll’s voting period to get the dues paid. In that scenario, the organization would need to be able to cancel the online votes of those members who did not pay their dues by the end of the poll.
Here is how to cancel an online vote:
- When the online voting period ends, log into your Admin account in BallotBox, and go to the Voters tab within that poll.
- Using the search feature, find each voter who did not meet your qualification requirements for the poll. To discard the online ballot, click the Cancel Vote button. (If you click it by accident, the button will automatically change to Reinstate Vote, so that you can correct that mistake.)
- You will also be required to enter the reason why the online vote was canceled. This explanation will be emailed to that particular voter when the poll is unlocked, and will be visible to any Officer of that poll. For example, you might write, “Only dues-paying members may vote, and this member did not pay dues before the poll ended.”
- Repeat that for each voter whose vote is to be canceled.
- When the Officers unlock the poll, BallotBox will report on the unlock page how many online votes were canceled so that if any Officer has a question about that, she may investigate before unlocking the poll.
- As soon as the poll is unlocked, each voter whose online vote was canceled will be sent an email from BallotBox explaining that the vote was canceled. The email will include the explanation you wrote as to why the vote was canceled.