All paid subscriptions offer the ability to mark a question as “Non-Anonymous.”
BallotBox was built from the ground up to protect the anonymity of your voters. It is at the core of our DNA. However, some association bylaws or state statutes may require you to track how each voter voted. In those rare circumstances when this feature is required, BallotBox lets you designate specific questions as “non-anonymous.” Your voters will be always be clearly notified if a question is not anonymous. All other questions, even within the same ballot, will continue to be anonymous.
To implement this feature, you first need to go to Ballot Options, using either the Gear button or the link:
Select Features: Advanced, and then click Accept. (Note that if you use Advanced Ballot Features that are not included within your subscription plan, on the poll’s Summary page you will see a prompt to upgrade your subscription so you will have access to these features.)
With Advanced ballot features turned on, when you add or edit a question, you will see the Non-Anonymous checkbox:
BallotBox will clearly notify poll officers and voters that the poll results for that question will show how each voter answered.
To view how each voter responded to a non-anonymous question, unlock the poll results, click the button to export the results as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then select the “Individual Responses” worksheet tab in the spreadsheet.